Sabtu, 12 November 2011

For My Haters

Destroy what destroys you. Pertama kali gue liat tulisan ini di tumblr, langsung gue reblog. why? 'cause the meaning of the sentence! Do you know what's the meaning of this sentence? It means, "hancurin apa yang ngehancurin lu". Okay, this is very suitable for my haters, especially my secret stalker yang hobinya fudulin gue, laporin gue, dan yang parahnya, POKER FACE! Dan lo-lo-lo yang ngerasa, gausah marah! lu marah berarti mengiyakan! Ngerti?????? Understand???? Tu comprends????? Oke maap maap jadi emosi. Masalahnya, para makhluk hidup itu jadi salah satu penyebab ancurnya idup gue. They, I mean, people that I still don't know how to call them, ''stalker" or "haters", have destroyed my life by insulting me. The main problem is, there's no criminal in the world wants to confess what they did (crime). So, it gonna be a little bit difficult for me to make them realize they crime. So, I think it will be okay for apply the sentence above, right, STALKERS? Destroy what destroys you. It means, if I want you to realize, I have to make you feeling what I feel. Why I shall take this way? Because I have be patient, accepting all of your slur. But, until now you still quip on me, rite? It means, there's no silence and patient girl. You, STALKER, have to feel what I feel. Remember, Karma is still exist. This is nature law. And I hope, you'll NEVER stalk my story and share it. EVER!

Okay, thanks for reading my confess -..-

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